
Archive for the ‘koh phayam’ Category

A bunch of us jamming at Tomo’s bar on Koh Phayam. Catch us March every year!

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Feathercraft Wisper XP

Feathercraft Wisper XP
One of the best big ticket purchases of my adult life is my Feathercraft Wisper XP kayak. My friend just bought a used 5 series BMW here in Hong Kong for what this thing cost me, but it is worth every hard earned dollar. The thing fits in a bag that goes on buses, trains, planes, boats, whatever. I have taken three fairly large trips with it. 
The biggest of these was a 560 km trip last winter, where my buddy Tim Morch and I paddled the entire west coast of Thailand, from the Burmese border to the Malaysian border. We averaged 30 kms a day, which might not sound like a lot, but it felt significant. The first week is a sort of hell on the body, but after that it gets much easier. I reckoned it was around 250,000 paddle strokes, of which about 150,000 hurt. 
I didn’t shoot any video on that trip, but I documented it with an Instagram photo essay, which you can check out here.
I have shot a few videos out of my Wisper. The first was a trip on the Thai coast in 2010. 

The second was a nice little day paddle around Koh Phayam, an island off the Thai coast where I spend a lot of time.

And the third is a trip we did along the coast of Palawan, in the Philippines. 

These are admittedly pretty amateur, but they give you a taste of what it’s like to paddle and camp these spectacular locations.  

Feathercraft Wisper XP

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